Monday, June 27, 2011

Democratic, Corrupted "India" ...

We have expressed our anger, helplessness, disagreement, criticism and dissent in the last few months, about the ongoing issue of corruption - in our polity, bureacracy, administration, at people in positions of power, in short, in whole "India".

It is time to ask,

Do we have any ideas / suggestions / proposals to offer to fix this deep rooted, organised, institutionalised corrupt practices ?

One thing that is clearly evident, is a truth :
it is our tolerance, and inaction for decades that has contributed to this growth. We failed to raise our voice, dissent, protest all these years and are to share the blame too.

And those that say, there still are many amongst us, who do in their individual capacity, fight these practices and live by clean principles, yes while this may be true, the nature and extent of this malaise calls for collective, nationwide, proactive action to fix this. And Now.

Here is my view and suggestions.

1) Since we are a democracy, and we have 543 MPs representing 543 geographic constituencies across the country, each MP has to be made to present his timed plan (monthly, yearly targets) for development of his constituency during election time. The action plan/promise must include a prioritisised commitment to address, basic issues of sanitation, drinking water, medical infrastructure, education, policing and safety, etc. He must be made (by law if necessary) to hold periodic meetings with local representatives/ people of his constituency to review the progress of his targets. And where he /she is found failing, and does not deliver or commit offences, or engage in illegal activity to reach his target...he must be made accountable and punishable through a local referendum which will be issue based.

The same could be extended to state representatives - the MLAs in their constituencies.

When each MP and MLA has to make a committed promise (not empty manifestoes), and will be audited / reviewed by the local people periodically, it will bring in transperancy and accountability. The MP or MLA will then do the job he is elected for - ie., to reperesent and serve his people. This is his job description and he will meet his targets to stay in the job. His job will be subject to review by the people who elect him ie., give his job.

2) There should be fast track investigative and justice mechanisms instituted or strenghen already existing laws and courts, to deal with serious offences of financial, ethical, criminal nature. And judgements of punishments have to be immediately carried out without delay, fear or favour.

Infact we have got a wikipedia page on this -
It says - A 2005 study conducted by Transparency International in India found that more than 45% of Indians had first-hand experience of paying bribes or influence peddling to get jobs done in public offices successfully.

Just two ideas to set the debate on.
Read and React. Its all yours.
Over to your positive suggestions!